Investing in our future generations
The Net Zero Energy home illustrated in the photo above is an example of the type of sustainable architecture that Simkus Development and SEEDS will be developing together across the United States. As SEEDS collaborates with others our goal will be to create further "Best Practices" and even "Proof of Concepts" in educating students and the community. Some of the primary purposes include education of students in the areas of sustainability, energy efficiency, renewable energy, permaculture, community and economic development. The buildings and other complimentary site characteristics will serve as an educational platform for Western State College, University of Colorado Graduate School of Environmental Design, Undergraduate School of Architecture, and Front Range Community College. The students will be instructed on the importance of gathering metric data of energy consumption and renewable energy generation before and after adaptive re-use. The students will be instructed on how the data gathered will serve to create a pathway in securing financing for implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy measures to be used in Net Zero Energy construction. The project scope intends to include the incorporation of photovoltaics, ground source loop fields, energy recovery ventilation, LED lighting, water conserving fixtures, xeric landscaping, carbon sequestration, onsite energy storage, central processing of energy management for buildings, plug in hybrid vehicles and electric vehicle charging stations. Simkus Development is exploring the opportunity to collaborate with other key stakeholders to offer a rotation of educational experiences for students from the elementary through graduate student curriculum.